
08 (1)I am a critical medical anthropologist with expertise on health sector reform,  development policy and governance, global health, and international volunteering in under-resourced health care settings.

I use ethnography to explore how foreigners’ interventions (whether aid agencies, NGOs, government bodies or foreign volunteers) affect the daily realities of providing health care.

My research is primarily multi-scalar, meaning that I follow policies and interventions from the spaces where they are contemplated, designed, and marketed, to the places where they are implemented. My research focuses on Tanzania and, recently, the United States.

Visit the publications and research pages to learn more about my past and current work, as well as the teaching and program leadership pages to see how this translates into my pedagogy. On the media appearances page you will find links to op-eds and other public engagement endeavors relating to my areas of expertise. You can also follow me on Twitter: @ncsullivan.


